An unscheduled but much welcomed session by Anish Trivedi concluded proceedings on the first day of Publishing Next. This veteran of the music industry shared his experiences with the evolving music industry scenario over the last fifteen years. Anish shared his opinion that within the music industry, it is not the music label, or the listener […]
By Kannan Sundaram A couple of months back, I was asked to speak as a panelist in the Publishing Next conference, hosted by CinnamonTeal in Goa. The panel that I was a part of was focused on discussing Copyright Issues in Publishing, in the light of the proposed amendments to the existing Copyright Act. It […]
The last session of the conference deliberated upon a topic that read: Managing the Translation Market. With a panel of six members and panel chair Arshia Sattar, this session tackled different aspects of translation within the publishing industry. The moderator emphasized on the value of translation, saying it “provides a whole new text for an […]
The session on ‘Copyright Issue in Publishing’, a very informative and interesting session, dealt with, as the name suggests, the much-deliberated copyright amendments and other copyright issues that most publishing houses face. The panel included G.R Raghavender, Registrar of Copyrights and Director at the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of […]
Workshop on Social Media Marketing This workshop was handled by two socialmedia strategists, Maya Hemant and Maegan Chadwick-Dobson from Pratham Booksand Tara Books respectively. The use of common social media toolslike blogs, twitter and facebook alongwith not-so-frequently used SoundCloud,Slideshare, Youtube and so on were dealt with. The audience was advised todevise their own unique social […]
The panel discussion on ‘The Impact of Alternate Publishing’ was chaired by renowned journalist and co-founder of the South-East Asia and Earthquake and Tsunami blog, Peter Griffin. The panelists for this session included Chetna, founder of Graffiti Publishing House, Maitreyi Kandoi, who publishes the magazine titled Kindle; Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, The Director of the […]
The second day of the publishing-next conference began with a session on ‘Publishing Houses of the Future.’ This session was chaired by Nilanjana S Roy, a Delhi based literary columnist and critic. The other panel members included Atiya Zaidi, publisher at Ratna Sagar Pvt Ltd, Payal Kumar, vice President at SAGE Publications, Sunil Patki, Strategy […]
Presentationsby UK and Indian entrepreneurs were organised on the topic of “Futuretechnologies that bridge the divide: Making good in the absence of a supplychain.” The first presenter was Gavin Summers a Digital Services Manager fromthe UK. He suggested an innovative digital strategy called ‘Dynamic Learning’and ‘Practise Every Question’ to improve on the print text book. […]